Dear Member / Owner,
As communicated via earlier Golf News articles the introduction of the new Golf Directo Tournament Software is designed to enhance your tournament experience, offering a modern, digital approach to scoring and competition management.
The Club has now concluded, in collaboration with the Club Committee, a trial period for the software assessing its effectiveness, listening to player feedback and determining the manner in which the new opportunities can be best adopted.
The Club and Committee have agreed that the new digital scoring system will be utilised for all future competitions, as an available feature for the benefit of members and guests taking part in competitions at the club.
Golf Directo offers two options for competition play, a single group scorecard format or an individual scorecard which is completed by both player and marker.
After trialling both options in recent competitions, we have decided to use the first of those options initially whereby a single digital scorecard is completed by one member of each group, allowing each group to choose which player maintains the digital scorecard for the entire group.
We have also decided based on feedback that the live leader board will be disabled during competitions.
To ensure the integrity of the competition scoring, physical scorecards will continue to be issued and must be maintained in the normal manner by exchanging cards with a marker prior to play.
The physical card will remain the card of record for the competition and must be returned to Resort Reception after the round, under penalty of disqualification for failure to do so.
When a round is completed, the usual process for validating and verifying the individual hole by hole scores should be completed as normal by players and markers, but, in addition, the marker of the digital scorecard will also be required to verify that the hole by hole scores for each player are correctly entered, prior to validating and submitting the group digital scorecard.
In that manner, we believe that a balance is struck between maintaining score integrity for competitions and handicaps, minimising the burden on members to adopt the new technology immediately and the need for full internet access on a mobile device at all times on the course, while using the digital scorecard to help speed up the competition results process and improve results accuracy.
As the app provides a scorecard tied to all players in a group, players will be required to remain in their drawn groups and not rearrange groups themselves.
Should a single player not show up to play, the app allows that player to be marked “Not Present” so that the scorecard can be completed for the remaining players in the group.
Should all other players in a group not show up to play leaving a single player, please see a Committee Member, Resort Reception or the Starter and that player will be added to another group and their physical scorecard entered post round.
As members become familiar with the new app, we will continue to review the usage, with a goal of migrating towards the use of the player/marker option in future.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Resort Reception.