Message from the Club Captain
Dear Member, Owner
Firstly, Gail & I would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2024.
Captain’s and Past Captain’s Competition – Saturday 13th January 2024
Thank you to Vice Captain, Chris for organising the Captain and Past Captain’s event this coming Saturday. This year we have 6 Captains playing and everyone who enters the competition will be allocated to one of the Captains teams. Please enter via reception as normal. The closing time is midday on Thursday 11th January. After golf, there is the Calcotada meal available for anyone that wants to eat. This is a traditional Catalonian meal, starting with grilled calcots, salad and bread with aioli, then butifara sausage with white beans and Catalan Cream for desert. With half a bottle of wine, the price is €35 per person. This will be served on a rolling basis for those that wish to have the lunch. Please book this directly with Adria. In the evening, The Springers are going to play for us all from 7.30pm. So please come back to El Torrente from 7pm for drinks and dancing. Everyone is welcome to come for the concert.
Thank you very much to Colin & Geraldine for supplying the wonderful 2024 Desert Springs calendar. Many of you have already collected calendars from me, but if you haven’t yet collected yours, please let me know and I will arrange to drop it off. The cost is €10 and all of the proceeds go to Asprodalba. Thank you.
Future dates for your diary
Club Championship takes place on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April 2024. On the Sunday evening, there will be the Club Championship dinner. At this dinner, I will be presenting a cheque for the money that we have raised to representatives of Asprodalba and I will also be presenting Chris Mear with his Captain’s jacket. It would be lovely to have as many people there as possible. After the meal and the presentations, the band Skyfall will play for us.
Captain’s Drive-In
This will take place on Thursday 11th April 2024. Chris will provide more detail on this, nearer to the time.
Thank you all for your support.