Captain’s Newsletter
August 2022
Dear Member, Owner
We are now in the period at Desert Springs where the temperature and effects of the 90/180-day access to many owners’ properties has an impact on the number of members out on the course. So, time for some thought to be given to the golfing activities in the late summer / autumn. I have been given advice that readers switch off reading if the newsletter is too long, so please be aware that not all the best information is at the beginning!
Captain’s Charity Day Saturday 8th October
Full details will be provided near the day but for now the key elements will be the golf and the subsequent Dinner and Dancing, when the charity raffle (express) and auction will take place. The dress theme for the golf and dinner will be “Bright and Gaudy”, with golf requiring teams of 4 and live music with the dinner requiring jackets for the men.
All non-golfers are invited to join all the non-golf elements of the day.
I have already received some great items for the auction. I plan to publish an e-catalogue for the auction a few days in advance, so everyone has the chance to plan their bidding. If you have (or can locate) special unique items which you would like to donate for the auction and / or raffle, please let me know as soon as possible.
There will be more activities to raise funds for charity around this weekend, details will be published nearer the time.
If you would like to make a direct Charity Donation, these can be made to the Captain’s Charity Bank Account managed by Richard Fuller, the details are:
Account name: Richard Charles Fuller – Desert Springs Captains Charity IBAN: ES03 0081 0597 0000 0116 0523 Members Golf in 2022/23
I am pleased to be able to announce that the “Desert Cup”, a league of three clubs, Aguillon, Valle del Este (VDE) and Desert Springs is now established with Desert Springs convincingly winning their first match against VDE, followed by a very social evening in the Croc Club. Remaining matches will be held from the end of September through to early November with the League winners hosting a “Champions” dinner mid-November.
Please let Sue Garrod know – If you would like to represent Desert Springs Golf Club.
Almeria Clubs Challenge Championship – Sunday 18th September
Desert Springs Golf Club has invited the following golf clubs to participate in the inaugural Almeria Clubs Challenge Championship to be competed on The Indiana course on Sunday 18th September; Valle del Este, La Envia, Almerimar, Playa Serena, Alboran, Aguilon & Marina del Torre.
Two Desert Springs Teams of 4 will be playing in this – if you would like to be considered for selection please email (Thank you to those who have already done so. Both Ladies and Men are invited to be part of a team.
The way the WHS has been introduced for clubs such as Desert Springs with multi-national members is still causing problems and consequently in 2023 the committee will continue to require all members who would like to participate in Club competitions to be members of the RFEG.
In addition, because of the number of handicap qualifying competitions available, the current estimate is that members (resident and non-residents alike) are only entering one card in four of the rounds they play at Desert Springs, which leads to discrepancies in handicaps used in both competitions and social golf. I would like to encourage you to play in as many handicap qualifying rounds as possible, and only play off your RFEG handicap at Desert Springs.
New Handicap Qualifying Competitions
Unfortunately, the Midweek Charity Challenges have not been well supported so these have been suspended which has affected charity income and handicap adjustments accordingly. The committee is setting up a “Tuesday Competition Day” whereby members can book their own tee times (before 14.00) and enter the competition when they check in at reception on the day. Entry will be free, and winners names will be published. For clarification players in the Golf4Women group will have the option to enter this competition.
Members Score Entry after competitions
This has now reverted to Resort Reception entering competitors scores.
Paul Taylor
Club Captain