Captain’s Pink Buggy

The Captain’s Drive-In at Desert Springs on the 12th April will see the launch of a new cancer awareness campaign with the un-veiling of a shocking pink golf buggy and its presentation to new Club Captain, Helen Lavis by Desert Springs Director of Golf, Simon Coaker. Helen will become Club Captain for 2007/8 on the 1st April and is an enthusiastic golfer and resident on the Spanish resort.

The cancer awareness campaign charity is one that is very close to Helen’s heart as she has been battling with breast cancer over the last 12 months. With this in mind, half of all funds raised will be donated to the Asociación Española Contra El Cáncer which is an organisation supporting awareness, early diagnosis, treatment, and counselling for patients with all types of cancer.

The very pink buggy has been generously donated by David Fernandez of Hiper Golf S.L. for the year of Helen’s captaincy and Desert Springs has agreed that all of the rental paid for the hire of the pink buggy itself will be donated to the Asociación – whoever rents the buggy will be given a leaflet explaining about the association and a chance to support the centre even further. Helen is very excited about this idea and hopes to develop and encourage more golf clubs in Spain and elsewhere to follow the generosity of Desert Springs.

The second charity to be supported by Helen this year is the Asociación de Minusvalidos de Cuevas del Almanzora, a local charity run on a voluntary basis for children and adults who suffer from mental and physical disabilities and which has been supported by the previous two Captains of Desert Springs.

Simon remarked:

“We are all very happy to have Helen back at the Resort and are looking forward to a great golfing year with her as Club Captain. We are more than happy to be able to help in the fund raising efforts with the introduction of the pink buggy to our existing fleet. Helen has chosen to support two extremely worthwhile and deserving charities during her year as Captain and I think this is a fantastically visual way to raise both funds and awareness.”

Helen commented:

“A big thank you to Desert Springs and Hiper Golf for helping me support a cause so close to my heart. I am looking forward to a great year as Club Captain – “it’s everyday that counts”.

For further information contact: Simon Coaker
Tel: +34 678 235 716