Golf Club

Desert Springs is holding its ninth elections amongst members to choose a Vice-Captain, Treasurer and two members for each of the Club’s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2013 through to 31st March 2014. The closing date for all completed ‘Club Officials Election Nomination’ forms to be returned to the Club was 18.00 hrs, February 28th.  


José Ignacio Olea, Golf Operations Manager commented,


“In accepting their nomination, these Nominees confirm their willingness to represent fellow members and to build upon the foundations created by previous Club Officials for the benefit of all.  We would take this opportunity to encourage all members to show their confidence in them.”


Where a person has been nominated more than once, we have only listed one of the nominations.


The following persons have accepted their nomination and secondment to be put forward for election to the office of:-

OFFICE                                 NOMINEE               NOMINATED BY      SECONDED BY


Vice-Captain                         David Mathewson    Wikkie de Graaf     Catherine Dunphy


Treasurer                              Martin McLellan    Catherine Dunphy   Wikkie de Graaf           


Handicap Committee              Paul Taylor           Wikkie de Graaf      Catherine Dunphy

Handicap Committee              Lynne Taylor         Wikkie de Graaf      Catherine Dunphy



Competitions Committee        Richard Fuller       Catherine Dunphy   Wikkie de Graaf           

Competitions Committee        Phil Miles              Michael Wherlock   Gerard Ulijn

Competitions Committee        Wikkie de Graaf      Gina Roberts          Ashley Roberts


A ‘Desert Springs Golf Club Officials Vote Form’ identifying all those persons put forward for election to each position has been sent to all members. They are also available at the Clubhouse reception and an e-mail vote form has been posted on our website in the Owners section at: –



The qualification for voting is that all persons wishing to vote must be current members of the Desert Springs Golf Club.

All completed voting forms must be returned to the Clubhouse Reception at Desert Springs by 18.00 hrs on March 31st by hand, e-mail or fax, but preferably not by post in view of the vagaries experienced. Once validated, the votes submitted will be counted and the names of the successful candidates elected for office by the membership along with the number of votes received will be announced.

For more information: José Ignacio Olea

Tel: +34 670 613 900
