Golf Course Presentation Evening



Dear Member / Property Owner,

On 5th June the Club announced its investment of €399,000 to convert the turfgrass of the tees, fairways and driving range to Pure Dynasty Paspalum and the green surrounds and roughs to Tall Fescue.

To carry out this work, the Indiana Course was closed for a 6-week period from Sunday 21st June and reopened on schedule on Saturday 1st August.

To keep all up to date with the conversion programme of works and progress during course closure, Golf Course Superintendent, Zach LaPorte provided twice weekly video updates via our official Facebook and Instagram social media channels. Additionally, regular updates had been provided via the monthly Golf Course Superintendent Newsletter sent to all Owners and Members and published on our official website in the News section.

Now that the paspalum has germinated our goal is to promote establishment, density and uniformity throughout all fairways. This will be accomplished by encouraging the paspalum and simultaneously stressing the existing ryegrass through the heat of the summer. Since reopening, amongst other matters, the course maintenance team have continued their weekly fertilizer applications and continue to cut the fairways, slowly lowering heights of cut, which in turn is revealing more new Paspalum grass. Several applications of herbicide have been applied to eliminate unwanted weeds that appeared during the early stages of grow in and the results of this will be evident shortly.

As Zach had remarked in his latest News Letter;

In essence the overriding message I wish to convey is for all to be aware that we are now at the stage with the grass conversion that; today we are better than yesterday and tomorrow we will be better than today!

Since the reopening of the Indiana it has been pleasing to see those members that are currently able to be here in Spain at this time back on the course.

The Club is very aware that despite the efforts of its communications, that in areas, the course condition presently may cause some to draw incorrect conclusions as to the success or otherwise of the Pure Dynasty Paspalum conversion programme completed to date.

We wish to invite all Members and Owners that are available to attend a presentation evening with Golf Course Superintendent, Zach LaPorte and Director of Golf Simon Coaker to be held on Tuesday 18th August at 19:00hrs meeting at the 18th Green.

As always, the health and safety of our owners, members, staff and visitors is, our number one priority. Government advice and policy must be adhered to at all times by all attendees, ensuring that the safety and wellbeing of everyone is maintained.

The evening will comprise a walk-about on selected areas of the golf course to allow Zach to identify elements and areas of concern that you may have identified whilst playing and provide explanations to their existence and what is to be expected to improve in agronomist terms and importantly by when.

For those of you that are not in a position to attend, we shall be recording the presentation and advising all of how they will be able to access the film themselves a few days later.

We very much hope that you will be able to attend the evening and kindly request that you confirm your attendance by email at .

Kind regards,

Simon Coaker

Director of Golf