Golf Course Superintendent Newsletter March



MARCH 2021

Dear Member / Property Owner,

Following on from the Golf Course Superintendent’s Newsletter sent to you in February, which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course, we are pleased to be able to give you an update on the works carried out and to inform you of the schedule of works which shall take place in March 2021.


Cleaning of Desert & Tee Areas

The dry creek that passes through the fairway of the 7th hole has been cleaned and restored as well as many areas that run alongside both sides of the hole.  The river that passes in front of the 7th green has also been cleaned and several meters of cane removed.

Continuing with the cleaning of the dry creek that runs in front of the 10th green, the entire area of the 11th tee and parking area adjacent to the 10th green complex, that includes the roundabout that has several prime specimens of cactus, have been completely cleaned, with new stone added to the dry creeks.  The Dimorphotheca that surrounded the tees have been pruned back and rejuvenated to ensure many more years of enjoyment from this beautiful spring plant and its impressive white and purple flowers.

The desert area between the 10th and the 9th hole has been cleaned of unwanted vegetation and the hardpan has been rolled.

The desert area that separates the fairway to the approach on the 1st hole has been cleaned and the hardpan rolled.  The small desert areas around and behind the green has also been cleaned and restored.

Topdressing of the Fairways, Roughs, Approaches and Collars

The approach and green surrounds on the 11th have been topdressed after being reseeded with fescue to create a more uniform surface and create better turf density.


Cleaning of Desert & Tee Areas

Designated areas of the desert and tee and green complexes will be cleaned of old plant material and undesired vegetation and if needed new planting will be added.

Topdressing of the Fairways, Roughs, Approaches and Collars

As stated in last month’s newsletter we will be topdressing the fairways, roughs, approaches and collars to provide a healthier stand of grass.  This is a very time-consuming process and will take time to accomplish.  We will be starting with the weakest areas and moving thru the course until all areas are finished.

This will accomplish several goals.

  • smooth the playing surface by filling in any small hole or gaps in the grass
  • Create a better soil profile for the grass to grow
  • Help with drainage to maintain the surface firm and be able to easily flush the salts from the soil profile

Overseeding of the Roughs with Tall Fescue

To complete the conversion of the roughs to tall fescue, a second light overseeding will be done before the heavy topdressing.  This will help with the germination by protecting the newly formed plant and maintaining the proper moisture content needed to ensure proper establishment.

2021 Greens Hollow Coring Dates

In the knowledge that all Property Owners and Members need to have as much notice as possible concerning particular aspects of the golf course maintenance schedule that may temporarily affect the playing conditions of the green’s surface, thus enabling them to plan particular holidays accordingly, please see below the hollow coring dates in 2021.

Wednesday the 28th and Thursday 29th of April

You will be able to keep up to date with the full tournament and social calendar, format and any additions, information of how to enter, and much more, by visiting either our official website or by contacting the resort reception at Desert Springs.

We and the staff at Desert Springs are looking forward to seeing you on The Indiana course in the near future.

Kind regards,

Zachary LaPorte

Golf Course Superintendent