Hollow Coring Dates

In the Golf Course Superintendent’s ‘News Letter’ of February 2006, it was noted that the final phase of hollow coring on the Indiana Course for this year was scheduled for Tuesday 26th September.

Please take note that this date has been brought forward and hollow coring of the greens with 13mm tines will now commence on Wednesday 20th September.

Anthony Brooks, Golf Course Superintendent, explains the reason for carrying out this essential part of golf course maintenance earlier than scheduled;

‘With the prolonged high temperatures throughout the summer period, it will be beneficial to hollow core sooner than planned, in order to reduce any further damage to the soil profile. Also, with reduced traffic on the course over the coming 2 weeks combined with the unexpected rainfall over the previous nights which has softened the greens and rapidly reduced the soil temperature, we now have the ideal conditions to ensure a rapid recuperation time.  Even using the large 13mm tines, the greens will recover to normal playing quality in 10-14 days’.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but hope the information helps in planning your next visit to the Resort the Indiana Course.

For further information contact: Golf Reception   
Tel: +34 637 861 591
E-mail: golfreservations@almanzora.com