The R66T Academy has selected Desert Springs Resort to be host to its programme of ‘Overseas Cricket Coaching Holidays’.
Matt Root, Founder and CEO of The R66T Academy commented;
“The objectives of our cricket academy are threefold:
- To deliver a program of high quality and enjoyable coaching experiences for young cricketers via a series of UK and overseas cricket camps. Cricket has to be fun!
- To provide regular online coaching tips from experienced players and coaches. Tips won’t be over technical and will focus on outcomes rather than kinaesthetics.
- To make available via our website video skills sessions and suitable training aids to enable young players to refine their skills.”
To view an insight of the goings on at The R66T Academy @ Desert Springs Click Here
The R66T Academy has scheduled five (5) cricket camps to take place at Desert Springs Resort between; 23rd – 27th July, 30th July – 3rd August, 6th – 10th August and 22nd – 26th October.
Nick Gaywood of Desert Springs Cricket said;
“In the knowledge that many of our owners and members at Desert Springs may have either children or grandchildren that may be interested in attending the cricket camps, The R66T Academy can provide a package for those children to attend the cricket camps at a price that omits the provision of Resort accommodation.”
It’s a simple concept!
Drop your child off in the morning knowing that they will love the day ahead being put through their paces at The R66T Academy, while you have the day to enjoy the resort, the surrounding area and the weather!
R66T Academy Cricket Coaching consists of:
- 3 Days of intense, high level and high-performance cricket coaching covering all aspects of the game.
- Video Tutorials – Video Tutorials from The R66T Academy coaches who will explain each practice with coaching points which will then be practiced in your training area or net.
- Pitchvision – each child will receive a personalised individual login to Pitchvision which films and records deliveries at The R66T Academy. These videos are uploaded to the cloud which allows players to analyse their own performance on their laptops, tablets or phones anywhere in the world. Along with SKILLS, DRILLS, NETS, GAMES & COMPETITIONS.
For further information or enquiries please visit The R66T Academy website;
Nick Gaywood
+44 (0) 7793 558 132

‘Future cricketing stars training at the Desert Springs Cricket Ground’