Golf NewsGolf Club

Desert Springs is holding its ninth elections amongst members to choose a Vice-Captain, Treasurer and two members for each of the Club’s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2013 through to 31st March 2014. The closing date for all completed ‘Club Officials Election Nomination’ forms to be returned to the Club was…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ MARZO 2013   Estimado Socio / Propietario:   Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Enero, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en Febrero,…read more

Golf NewsClub de Golf

Desert Springs celebra sus novenas elecciones para elegir a un Vice-capitán del Club, un Tesorero, dos miembros para el Comité de Handicap y otros dos para el Comité de Competiciones, quienes tomarán sus cargos para el período 1 de Abril de 2013 al 31 de Marzo de 2014. La fecha límite para enviar al Club…read more

Golf NewsAimPoint Clinic

As announced previously, Martin Park is a new member of the coaching staff at the Desert Springs Golf Academy.   Martin is a Fully Certified AimPoint Instructor, the industry leader in reading any putt, on any course, anywhere in the world at any time with a simple to read chart. AimPoint is used by the…read more

Golf NewsClinic AimPoint

  Tal y como había sido anunciado, Martin Park es un nuevo miembro del personal de enseñanza en la Academia de Golf de Desert Springs.   Martin es Instructor Certificado de AimPoint, el líder de la industria en la lectura de cualquier putt, en cualquier campo, y en cualquier momento con un simple cuadro de…read more

Golf NewsIrish Ladies Golf Union

Between Saturday 9th – Saturday 16th February 2013, 12 players representing the Under 18 & Under 21 Irish Ladies International squads accompanied by three officials visited the resort for a week long intensive training programme to develop their individual golfing skills in warm weather while experiencing a golf course which offers a challenge to players…read more

Golf NewsUnión de Golf de Irlanda

Entre el Sábado 9 y el Sábado 16 de Febrero de 2013, Desert Springs ha sido el anfitrión de 12 estudiantes que representan los Equipos Nacionales Femeninos Sub 18 y Sub 21 de Irlanda, acompañados por 3 instructores que visitaron el Resort, durante su programa intensivo de una semana en la que los jugadores desarrollaron…read more

Golf NewsHandicap Committee

    Handicap Committee Member Paul Taylor has requested that the Club issue the following announcement for all members at Desert Springs:   Handicap Reminder All golfers who enter Desert Springs Golf Competitions are responsible for ensuring that the handicap on their card is correct.  If you do not have a Spanish Federation Handicap you…read more

Golf NewsGolf Club Officials

As announced on 30th January, Desert Springs is holding its ninth annual election for members to choose a Vice-Captain, Treasurer and two members for each of the Club’s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2013 through to 31st March 2014.  All members were sent a ‘Desert Springs Golf Club Officials Election Nomination…read more

Golf NewsComité de Handicaps

  Paul Taylor, miembro del Comité de Handicaps ha pedido que se le recuerde la siguiente información relativa a Handicaps: Recordatorio de Handicaps: Todos los jugadores que se inscriben en competiciones en Desert Springs son responsables de asegurar que el handicap de juego de su tarjeta es correcto.  Si no estás afiliado a la RFEG,…read more

Golf NewsNoticias de Golf

Como había sido anunciado el pasado 30 de Enero, Desert Springs celebra sus novenas elecciones para elegir a un Vice-capitán del club, Tesorero, dos miembros para el Comité de Handicap y otros dos para el Comité de Competiciones, quienes tomarán sus cargos para el período 1 de Abril de 2013 al 31 de Marzo de…read more

Golf NewsGirl Friday Indiana Masters

We recently announced that Desert Springs will be host to the ‘Girl Friday Indiana Masters’ from Thursday 11th to Sunday 14th April 2013, in aid of and to help raise funds for Snow-Camp Charity on behalf of Sports and Events Management Company Girl Friday Ltd. We wish to advise you that an event itinerary and…read more

Golf NewsMartin Park

It is with pleasure that we announce Martin Park as a new member of the coaching staff at the Desert Springs Golf Academy. Martin, who some of you will already have met personally at the resort, is coach to Desert Springs residents and LET Tour professionals Trish Johnson and Becky Brewerton, and is currently at…read more

Golf NewsIndiana Masters de Girl Friday

Recientemente anunciamos que Desert Springs será el anfitrión del ‘Indiana Masters de Girl Friday’ a partir del Jueves 11 y hasta el Domingo 14 de Abril de 2013, e intentar recaudar fondos a favor de la caridad Show Camp a través de la empresa de Eventos Corporativos y Deportivos Girl Friday Ltd. Aprovechamos para anunciarle…read more

Golf NewsMartin Park

Es un placer anunciar a Martin Park como un nuevo miembro del personal de enseñanza en la Academia de Golf de Desert Springs. Martin, a quién algunos de ustedes ya habrán conocido en el Resort, es el entrenador de Becky Brewerton y Trish Johnson, propietarias de viviendas en Desert Springs y jugadoras profesionales del Circuito…read more

Golf NewsHartpury College Golf

  As previously announced, The Hartpury College Golf Academy, based in Gloucester, England, had selected the Desert Springs Resort to host their 2013 winter training camp. PGA Instructors with 26 full time students from the Hartpury College Golf Academy during their visit to the Desert Springs Resort for a 5-day intensive winter training camp. The…read more

Golf NewsUniversidad de Hartpury

Como había sido anunciado, la Escuela de Golf de la Universidad Hartpury, establecida en Gloucester, Inglaterra, ha seleccionado Desert Springs para realizar su entrenamiento de pretemporada en el invierno 2013. Los Profesionales PGA junto con 26 estudiantes de la Academia de Golf de la Universidad Hartpury durante su visita a Desert Springs Resort para 5…read more

Golf NewsGolf Union of Wales

  Members of the Golf Union of Wales Ladies squad are shortly due to return to Desert Springs, their official Spanish Home, for their first Warm Weather Winter Training Camp of the new year. Between Monday 18th – Monday 25th February 2013, seven players from the Ladies International squad between the ages of 16 –…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ FEBRUARY 2013   Dear Member / Property Owner,   Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in December which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ FEBRERO 2013   Estimado Socio / Propietario:   Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Diciembre, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en Enero,…read more