Golf NewsMantenimiento

SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ OCTUBRE 2012   Estimado Socio / Propietario:  Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Agosto, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en Septiembre, nos…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ SEPTEMBER 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in July which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF  ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ SEPTIEMBRE 2012   Estimado Socio / Propietario: Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Julio, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en Agosto, nos…read more

Golf News2013 ‘Golf 4 All’ Pro-Am

  Desert Springs will host the fifth annual ‘Golf 4 All’ Pro-Am, to be played over the Championship Indiana course on the 4th and 5th January 2013. Desert Springs residents and touring professionals, Trish Johnson and Becky Brewerton will be joined by their colleagues from the Ladies European Tour for this unique Pro-Am Tournament. Played…read more

Golf NewsGolf 4 All Pro Am 2013

Desert Springs acogerá por quinta vez el torneo anual ‘Golf 4 All Pro-Am’, que se jugará en el campo de Competición Indiana los días 4 y 5 de Enero de 2013. Las residentes de Desert Springs y estrellas del circuito, Becky Brewerton y Trish Johnson estarán acompañadas de sus colegas del Ladies European Tour en…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ AUGUST 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in June which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course in…read more

Golf NewsClub de Golf Desert Springs

  SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ AGOSTO 2012   Estimado Socio / Propietario: Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Junio, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en Julio,…read more

Golf NewsHole 15 Remodeling

  As mentioned previously, the golf course and its landscaping are designed for enjoyable play whilst at the same time discouraging golfers hitting balls that may end up within private property. The Club constantly reviews what it can do to improve play and performance, using small changes in landscaping and course details to achieve this. …read more

Golf NewsHole Enhancement Completion

    As previously announced, the Club recently embarked upon an adjustment of the existing landscaping of Hole 16 with the intent to improve the players focus from the tee, encouraging them to play the better shot and reducing penalties incurred for going out of bounds or losing balls. The Club wishes to advise you…read more

Golf NewsMejoras en un Hoyo Terminadas

    Tal y como había sido anunciado, El Club recientemente ha realizado una serie de ajustes sobre el paisajismo del Hoyo 16 con la intención de mejorar la colocación de los jugadores desde el Tee, facilitando pegar un mejor golpe y reduciendo las penalidades de posibles bolas perdidas o fuera de límites. El Club…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

    GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ JULY 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in May which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

  SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ JULIO 2012 Estimado Socio / Propietario: Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Mayo, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en Junio, nos…read more

Golf NewsIndiana Course Slope Rating

  Prior to the Indiana Course opening in April 2001, the Real Federación Española de Golf (the RFEG) were invited to Desert Springs to evaluate the golf course and assign a Slope Rating. The ‘Slope’ is a measurement of the difficulty of a golf course relative to the Course Rating (which represents the difficulty for scratch…read more

Golf NewsSlope del Campo Indiana

  Antes de la apertura del Campo Indiana en Abril de 2001, la Real Federación Española de Golf (RFEG) visitó Desert Springs para evaluar el Campo de Golf y asignar una Valoración Slope. El ‘Slope’ es una medida de dificultad del campo de golf en base a la valoración del campo (que representa la dificultad…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

    GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ JUNE 2012 Dear Member / Property Owner,  Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in April which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

    SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ JUNIO 2012   Estimado Socio / Propietario: Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Abril, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en…read more

Golf NewsHole Enhancement

  The golf course and its landscaping is laid out to discourage golfers hitting balls that end up within private property. Although no golf frontage property can be totally immune from the occasional really badly hit ball, the Club constantly reviews what it can do to improve and use the landscaping to make this even…read more

Golf NewsMejoras en un Hoyo

El Campo de Golf y su paisajismo están pensados para evitar que los jugadores peguen golpes hacia las propiedades privadas. Aunque ninguna propiedad con fachada al campo pueda ser totalmente inmune, el Club constantemente revisa mejoras en el diseño y jardinería para hacerlo aún menos probable. Estas mejoras realzan el placer de jugar el campo…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ May 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the 'The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter' sent to you in March which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more