Golf NewsSlope del Campo Indiana

  Antes de la apertura del Campo Indiana en Abril de 2001, la Real Federación Española de Golf (RFEG) visitó Desert Springs para evaluar el Campo de Golf y asignar una Valoración Slope. El ‘Slope’ es una medida de dificultad del campo de golf en base a la valoración del campo (que representa la dificultad…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

    GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ JUNE 2012 Dear Member / Property Owner,  Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter’ sent to you in April which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

    SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ JUNIO 2012   Estimado Socio / Propietario: Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Abril, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en…read more

Golf NewsHole Enhancement

  The golf course and its landscaping is laid out to discourage golfers hitting balls that end up within private property. Although no golf frontage property can be totally immune from the occasional really badly hit ball, the Club constantly reviews what it can do to improve and use the landscaping to make this even…read more

Golf NewsMejoras en un Hoyo

El Campo de Golf y su paisajismo están pensados para evitar que los jugadores peguen golpes hacia las propiedades privadas. Aunque ninguna propiedad con fachada al campo pueda ser totalmente inmune, el Club constantemente revisa mejoras en el diseño y jardinería para hacerlo aún menos probable. Estas mejoras realzan el placer de jugar el campo…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ May 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the 'The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter' sent to you in March which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ MAYO 2012   Estimado Socio / Propietario: Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Marzo, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en Abril, nos…read more

Golf NewsHandicap Committee

  Handicap Committee Member Paul Taylor has requested that the Club issue the following announcement for all members at Desert Springs:   Failure to submit a handicap certificate as above may result in a golfer being disqualified from a competition that they have played in.   <span style="&quot;text-decoration:" underline;"="">The Desert Springs Handicapping System The Handicap…read more

Golf NewsComité de Handicaps

Paul Taylor, miembro del Comité de Handicaps ha pedido que se le recuerde la siguiente información relativa a Handicaps: El sistema de handicaps implantado en Mayo-2008 se ha establecido como un modo justo para equilibrar handicaps de los federados a la RFEG, jugadores no federados y otros invitados. El sistema utilizado es el siguiente: Aquellos…read more

Golf NewsClub Captain

  It is a pleasure for me to be your Captain this year at Desert Springs and to represent you during the period 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 and welcome all our Members and Owners to enjoy their golf and social events. Firstly I would like to introduce you our committee for this…read more

Golf NewsCapitán del Club

Es un placer para mi ser tu Capitán este año en Desert Springs y representarte durante el periodo entre el 1 de Abril-2012 hasta el 31 de Marzo-2013; aprovecho para daros la bienvenida a todos los Socios y Propietarios e invitaros a aprovechar todos los eventos que se lleven a cabo. En primer lugar me…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ APRIL 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ?The Golf Course Superintendents News Letter? sent to you in February which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

  Estimado Socio / Propietario: Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Febrero, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en Marzo, nos complace poder mantenerle informado de los trabajos que se…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ MARCH 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ?The Golf Course Superintendent?s News Letter sent to you in January which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsGolf News

  Desert Springs is holding its eighth elections amongst members to choose a Vice-Captain, Treasurer and two members for each of the Club?s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2012 through to 31st March 2013. The closing date for all completed ?Club Officials Election Nomination? forms to be returned to the Club…read more

Golf NewsMantenimiento

    SUPERINTENDENTE DEL CAMPO DE GOLF  ‘NOTA INFORMATIVA’ MARZO 2012   Estimado Socio / Propietario: Como continuación a la última “Carta Informativa del Superintendente del Campo de Golf” enviada en Enero, diseñada para mantenerle informado de todos los trabajos importantes que estaban programados para llevarse a cabo en el Campo de golf Indiana en…read more

Golf NewsNoticias de Golf

Desert Springs celebra sus octavas elecciones para elegir a un Vice-capitán del Club, un Tesorero, dos miembros para el Comité de Handicap y otros dos para el Comité de Competiciones, quienes tomarán sus cargos para el período 1 de Abril de 2012 al 31 de Marzo de 2013. La fecha límite para enviar al Club…read more

Golf NewsGolf Club Officials

  As announced on 29th January, Desert Springs is holding its eighth annual election for members to choose a Vice-Captain, Treasurer and two members for each of the Club?s Handicap and Competitions Committees, for the period 1st April 2012 through to 31st March 2013. All members were sent a ?Desert Springs Golf Club Officials Election…read more

Golf NewsGolf Course Maintenance

  GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ‘NEWS LETTER’ FEBRUARY 2012   Dear Member / Property Owner, Following on from the ‘The Golf Course Superintendent’s News Letter sent to you in December which was designed to keep you up to date with all of the important maintenance procedures which were scheduled to take place on The Indiana Course…read more

Golf NewsCommittee Announcement

  The Desert Springs Golf Club Committee, which holds office for the period 1st April 2011 – 31st March 2012, held its last official Committee meeting on Monday, 9th of January 2012. At that time it was proposed and approved that a Club Treasurer be introduced as a Committee Member at the commencement of the…read more